
Showing posts from August, 2017

York Unleashed Comic-Con York Knavesmire


Cambridge Folk Festival 2017

My Window On Weekend! Just a few images I collected during an enjoyable return to Cambridge Folk Festival Art work at the entrance The Furrow Collective Club Tent Black Fen Folk Club  two generations !   Stage One overflow seating! Ward Thomas Ward Thomas Sunny Sunday in front of Stage One     Oysterband The Little ones Sported ear protection! Martin Simpson Campsite by Night Another Art Instillation  Dapper Trader Knitted Flowers Amazing Bar Staff! Rachel Newton Band Sound and Media pen! The Arena Stage 1 Stage 1 Learning Old skills Street Theatre  Continued  More Theatre Loved the hair and hat. Saturday the Arena fills up! The Crowd came prepared for all weathers Sharon Shannon All the gear! Willow Workshop above and below Tai Chi anyone